Falling in love
Laughing till your stomach hurts
Enjoying to your favourite song on the radio
Enjoying a ride down the country side
Getting out of the shower & wrapping yoursld with a warm, fuzzy towel
Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside
Passing your final exams with good grades
Being a part of an interesting conversation
Finding some money in some old pants
Laughing at yourself
Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends
Laughing without a reason
'Accidentally' hearing someone say something good about you
Watching the sunset
Listening to a son that remiands you of an important person in your life
Receiving or giving your first kiss
Feeling this buzz in our body when seeing this 'special' someone
Having a great time with your friends
Seeing the one you love happy
Wearing the shirt of a person you love & smelling his/hher perfume
Visitng an old friends of yours and rememebering great memories
Hearing soemone telling you ' I LOVE YOU '