Wahahahahahaha!! I'm having my 3 hours break now!! WOO~~ Lucky, we found a plug at th mac. Hahahaha. I bought a new bag for school le!!! Th bag was from zinc &&& baby bought th same bag as me. But his was black in colour, mine was in pink! :)))) Pink colour leh!! My favourite!! :))) I hang my pink carebear that baby gave me on th bag & it was so matching to my bag. Hahahahaha! There's 3 carebear hanging on my bag. Th orange one, purple one and pink!!! Hehehehehe!!
Later going to meet my piglet boyfriend after school. Hahahahaha. Actually we planned to meet up and go to Geraldine house, but.. she was so blur that she forgotten that she's going to meet up with her friends that was planned before we said we wanted to meet her. SUPER BLUR QUEEN INDEED!
Hmm, we had our nursing lab lesson yesterday. I had a feel of sitting on th wheelchair, and laying on th trolley bed. Th trolley bed is th bed that patients lay on when they are going into th operation theatre/delivery room. I laid on that bed and went into the lift going up and down. It was so scary when you lay on th bed when you are in th lift. You can feel th lift going up and down. Th feeling is like sitting on the pirate ship but this time round you are laying down instead. I was being pushed around on th wheelchair by Magdaline. Haha. Something funny happened when I was sitting on th wheelchair waiting outside th toilet for Magdaline and Jennifer. I was using th wheelchair wheeling around myself. Like how the handicapped people does. Then a group of girls keep looking at me, after awhile one of th girls asked me whether I need help. Hahahahahaha. I think she really thought I was handicapped. But nevermind it's ok. Who asked me play so much. Hahahahaha. When Magdaline pushed me on th wheelchair she said that I was like small kid. Hahahahaha. Cause I was light & small size. Hahaha. I told this to baby, he was like keep laughing and laughing in th train! Hahahahaha. So bad right? Hahahahahaha. I think I tell anyone of my friends they will laugh too. Especially th handicapped thing. Hahahahaha!!!
Guess what I'm wearing now. A t-shirt and a jacket outside. Th most important thing is that the sun is so big, I don't feel hot!!! I think I have gone crazy alr. Hahahahahaha. I am having just 50 minutes of lesson next wednesday. From 9 a.m to 9.50 a.m. Hahahahahaha. &&& I am not having any lesson on next tuesday. Hahahahahaha. Because that day is th year 3 students graduation day. Hahahahaha. A off day for us! I like that off man!! Because tuesday's lesson is really very boring!! Hahahahahaha.
Ok, shall stop here alr. Hahahahahahahaha. I will upload th lab photos asap when Magdaline had upload them in fb :))))
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