Sweet memories that follow me forever♥
Hi! :) I am just a silly girl that wants everyone to dote and love :D
That's ME!
Alicia; ShiQi ♥
Currently in Dipolma in Nursing
Please don't make me angry or else
I will bite you! ♥

I♥my friends
And many many many more!

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Written at Friday, November 12, 2010 | back to top

fcuk lah! seriously, i think i am just nothing to him. he doesn't bother about anything of mine! i am really giving up! i won't give a fcuk damn to anything alr. i gets nothing when i give a damn. so what for a give a damn to all his things. he want use all his money his problem lah! he want play soccer, play his arcade, his lan, all his problem lah! i am not going to bother anymore. not a single time alr! because th heart is really dead! no tears, no pain anymore! when there's no tears, no pain, means i won't be hurt. when i am not hurt, i can smile! smile all i want and not bothering what people says! they want to bitch behind my back, go ahead! she want to flirt with him, go ahead! i won't give a damn anymore! i will just let go!