Sweet memories that follow me forever♥
Hi! :) I am just a silly girl that wants everyone to dote and love :D
That's ME!
Alicia; ShiQi ♥
Currently in Dipolma in Nursing
Please don't make me angry or else
I will bite you! ♥

I♥my friends
And many many many more!

Rotten Things
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Written at Sunday, June 14, 2009 | back to top

It's been ages I had been updating my blog. Busy with Social Studies essay hmk. 24 essays, 17 mindmaps!! OMG! So many!!! SIAO! Still got Maths papers & Geography :( sadded Slept at 1 plus 2 this week because of the hmk. So tired. :( Also can't go shopping or watch movie :( I don't care I want to find a few days to relax myself!!!! If not I will be like what Mr Arul says, DIE OF UNNATURAL DEATH! (: Haha, lucky just went out with baby & Eric on thursday to IT fair. If not I will really die of unnatural death. Haha. Long time never see Eric alr. Miss lots of fun & luaghter with him. If baby can be like that, wouldn't it be so good?? I think that I'm think too much alr.
Sorry, my 8 girlfriends, friends, best friends;
if you guys are looking at this post.
I know I'm like MIA.
I'm busy with work, relationship, friendships.
They are all making me outof breathe alr.
I need some time to settle down slowing
& look back at what I have done wrong.
What I have done to hurt some of you.
For the time being, could you guys just forgive me for being MIA??