Sweet memories that follow me forever♥
Hi! :) I am just a silly girl that wants everyone to dote and love :D
That's ME!
Alicia; ShiQi ♥
Currently in Dipolma in Nursing
Please don't make me angry or else
I will bite you! ♥

I♥my friends
And many many many more!

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I don't know what should I do
Written at Wednesday, September 02, 2009 | back to top

Haha, I just chatted with MingLin in the evening. Haha. She so crap lorh! Ask me pay for all her expenses when she visit me. Haha. Who care her lah? Crazy girl. Haha. We chatted at her tagboard. Haha. I think she's going crazy soon le. Haha, study until got a bit siao siao le. Haha. Hmm, I think it's time for me to get used to the days without him alr. I don't know why I keep got a feeling that he will leave me some day. Maybe is because we kept quarreling these few days. I don't blame him because I know his exams are here, he's having stress and afraid he can't pass. But I really hope I won't quarrel with him anymore, I don't like the feeling. Although, he said he's not scolding me, but the tone and everything really sounds like scolding me. I don't like people to scream and shout at me, I used to scold the person back if that person scream and shout at me. Don't know why I didn't did that to him. Maybe is I love him too much, I just want him to be happy and I suffer all the unhappy things and feelings bah. Hmm, shall stop here then. Bye bye....