Sweet memories that follow me forever♥
Hi! :) I am just a silly girl that wants everyone to dote and love :D
That's ME!
Alicia; ShiQi ♥
Currently in Dipolma in Nursing
Please don't make me angry or else
I will bite you! ♥

I♥my friends
And many many many more!

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Written at Thursday, October 14, 2010 | back to top

Fcuk! I give up alr. Seriously, no matter what i do, she won't be happy. Th family won't be happy. Since you all won't be happy, then I think I no need to bother about what you all say alr loh. Cause you all also won't be happy about what I do, then I won't bother about what you all say loh. & I just want you to acc me only, can't you just let me for just one time? But I know you won't. Even how unhappy I am, how much I wanted to cry, you also won't bother mah.
Went to yy's house for mahjong in th afternoon with baby. Super fun! Haha! Th same thing goes again. Lost money to baby. But, he say no need. So I didn't pay him. Was quite fun. :) Hope to have another session again. Because only by playing & shopping, I will forget about all those fcuking things and problems. I don't want these fcukin problems anymore. But, it's impossible for me to change alone. Because one person change won't make any changes.

Is it so difficult to make me laugh? I don't know. But I think so. Cause, no one will please me or make me laugh now. You will only see me cry from now on, because I'm hurt. Super hurt. No one will know how hurt I am. No one! That one sentence, really hurt me. I stopped eating. I threw th food away. I think no matter how much chocolate I eat now also no use alr. Because chocolates won't heal me from now on. Or maybe nothing will heal me.
