Sweet memories that follow me forever♥
Hi! :) I am just a silly girl that wants everyone to dote and love :D
That's ME!
Alicia; ShiQi ♥
Currently in Dipolma in Nursing
Please don't make me angry or else
I will bite you! ♥

I♥my friends
And many many many more!

Rotten Things
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Written at Thursday, October 28, 2010 | back to top

Changed my blog link. :)) hehe! baby's working now at th sudden part time job. baby asked me to wait until he finishes at 11pm. i promised him, i will. just now something happened, that made me cried. because i can't bear him to leave. thought that he wont go alr, but in th end he went. hide myself at one corner. but he noticed that, i was sad alr. but he made me more sad when he said: 'i cant be like that.' it makes me more sad. because i tried to control my feelings alr. :( hais.

nevermind, shall not say alr. because he's working tomorrow too. but i'm going out. hehehehehehe! to celebrate mummy's birthday. :) hahahahahaha! can see him on saturday! :) he said he want bring me go takashimaya to buy something. heheh! but also dont know what to do after buying things. maybe go back cck? i dont know. hais. see how bah. maybe suddenly cancel th date? i hope not :)

yawns! tired! didnt had enough sleep this few days. wanted to have a nice sleep just now, but phone rang and woke me up. siannns! tomorrow having lesson at 9am! gonna wake up for lesson if not MAGDALINE will wack my butt! i dont want let her wack my shy butt. hahahahahaha! :)) okok! shall stop here alr. :)) update again :)
