Ok, I shall say directly what happened.
I was crossing the red man traffic light to the bus stop,
I remembered correctly I SAW NO CARS!!!
Who the hell knows that I was at 1/4 of the road, a car came horning me.
I speeded up, just when I reached the center of the road, the car just drove passed me. OMG!!!
Just a few centimeters back me!! OH MY!!
SCARY!!! This had happened a few times alr.
I thought I will just leave this world!
NO NO NO! I still got millions of things to do before die.
I want to go Japan, Hokaiddo, Tokoyo. Thailand, ' Cloud Hill ' . Paris & many many more!!
I can't just die like this. (:
My back ACHES!!
I cannot lean on the right side of my back.
This started when I woke up this morning.
Baby still ask me go swimming with him, Elaine, KaiYing, ZhiJie & Elaine's father.
How to swim? Haha
Reb, Kass & me was laughing around this matter when we are having our lunch. Haha.
So stupid of us!! Haha.
Hais, I still got Geography & POA homework to do.
If I finishes the POA today, I no need to stay for AEP.
Shall start after my dinner then.

The Best Moment In Life
Falling in love
Laughing till your stomach hurts
Enjoying to your favourite song on the radio
Enjoying a ride down the country side
Getting out of the shower & wrapping yoursld with a warm, fuzzy towel
Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside
Passing your final exams with good grades
Being a part of an interesting conversation
Finding some money in some old pants
Laughing at yourself
Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends
Laughing without a reason
'Accidentally' hearing someone say something good about you
Watching the sunset
Listening to a son that remiands you of an important person in your life
Receiving or giving your first kiss
Feeling this buzz in our body when seeing this 'special' someone
Having a great time with your friends
Seeing the one you love happy
Wearing the shirt of a person you love & smelling his/hher perfume
Visitng an old friends of yours and rememebering great memories
Hearing soemone telling you ' I LOVE YOU '

Hahas. I have gotten back my results on friday night.
Really need to work damn hard for my studies alr.
Hmm, I think I am going to borrow storybooks from the library so that I can improve my EL.
Ok, I will find someone get me accompanied later to the library.
It's my time to post some photos now! (:
We Are The MIT!!
Jervis, Qian, Me, KaiYing, KangQi & Reb
747, Tian Mo Xin, Cherry Lao Shi, 187, Lu Ke Ying, 007.
Kassandra, KaiYing, Reb & me (:
Us again! Cool man!! (:
US AGAIN!! We love taking photos! :D
Jervis & me
KaiYing, Me & Reb :D
KaiYing, Reb & Qian
Haha, Those two tan chi gui!! haha, only care about the stingray!! :D
We cut off AhWei. Hahas,not us lah, is the photographer.
The photograper cut off Elaine & AhWei
Haha, 1 nice photo taken !! :D
Birthday Girl & ME!
AhWei & I are not involve in the kissing birthday girl competition. Haha.
Qian, me, Jer & Reb
Me & birthday girl!! Labels: All photos are taken on Qian's birthday party

Hahahaha! I super super "SMART" until I need to see the VP ok!
Hahas. Rubbish, is result lousy until see VP can.
Aiya, since this won't affect mid-year, prelim I work harder loh.
JIA YOU!!! Hahas!!!
Hmm, my brother is going to buy me Ipod Touch for my birthday.
My mum is going to buy me a watch for my birthday. Haha.
Ok, I know my birthday is still 3 months later.
But is better to prepare first. Haha.
In case, my brother got no money. Haha.
Ok, shall stop & blog again next time with pictures.
BYE! I'm off for my DINNER!!! YUM YUM!! (:

Why can't she be the caring mum that understands her daughter's studies?
Why can't she understand how much stress & pressure her daughter is going on in her studies?
She never understands her daughter in anyway?
The whole class failed Mathematics except for the only O'level maths candidate which wanted to retake again for better result passed.
Only 8 passes for combined humanities.
Only a handful passed for Biology.
Quite a lot of people failed EL.
Mrs Ram said, this mid year, she doesn't have the time to do preparation with us. That's why so many failed.
We will jiayou all the way!!!
We will win the race!!! Hahahahaha

Saw this in my constellation book which I found most of it true.
你是为了爱情,能全新奉献自己的典型巨蟹座女孩,充满 母性温柔的你,常常编织的梦幻。
你问我, 我是不是做错了事。
我告诉你, 我是乱写的。
但是, 我不想在骗你了。

YEAH!! Our girlfriend KangQi is back from her chicken pox!! Haha.
Miss her man! Haha.
She went out with us to celebrate Qian's birthday yesterday.
We met up at 12p.m & train-ed down to Buona Vista.
From there, we spilt into 2 groups of 5;
Me, Rebecca, Qian, Kassandra & KangQi.
cabbed down to a shopping center nearby & waited for ShiWei, Jervis, JunLe, Daniel & XinShen there.
As they can't find a taxi uncle who know the place & took the shuttle bus over.
We had planned to have our lunch at Eighteen.
Who knows that it isn't open.
It's operating hours are only on weekdays. haha.
But also can't blame Qian lah,
this is the second time she went to Eighteen.
So, we spilt into 3 groups which is,
me, Kassandra & KangQi one group.
Rebecca, ShiWei & Qian one group.
Jervis, Junle, Daniel & XinShen one group.
to cab down to IMM.
My group reached first, followed by Rebecca they all behind us.
We ended up eat MOS for lunch.
Then walked to Chervon for bowling, pool & KTV.
Haha. Got people treated me for 4 games of pool. Haha.
They still treated us 2 jugs of drinks & 1 plate of satay. Haha.
Good right!! Haha.
Went back to CCK to meet dear back home with me at around 11pm.
Reached home ataround 11.45pm alr.
So just went to bed.
如果我做错了一件事, 请你原谅我好吗? 我不想看见你讨厌我的样子
Labels: 我不会再带给你麻烦了

为了你, 任何事情, 我都愿意做
但是 。。。你总是紧闭心房。。。
Just finished my 2.4km run & oral examination today.
So tired!!
Don't have any strenght to know what's going with that person & em alr.
Super duper tired alr, still need to hear people quarreling.
Fuck lah! No one understands my feeling now. T.T
I promised myself not to cy anymore.
BUT NOW WHAT?! I broke my promise because of you.
I might have lost a friend just like this.
Have you thought of me?
I still need to face him during tutions.
Not like you!
Why can't you just treat that you have heard nothing!!
I just told my friends today, how happy I'm being with you.
But now, everything changed!!! T.T

Hahas, got complains from Iggy & ahgong say I never reply their tag. Hahas.
Ok lorhs. I replied alr hor, don't say I never keep my promise. Hahas.
1 year older alr, don't keep behave like a teenager alr. Hahas.
GROW UP!! Hahas. Joking lah.
Don't worry, next year we won't use cake to smash you alr.
We will think of other things. Hahas.
You can smash me if you like on my birthday.
BUT.. I think I will run if I saw you guys!! Hahas.
OK lah, I not that bad.
Want smash me tell me first ok?
I change into my camp tee, then play with you all. Hahas.
Lastly, may your wishes to come true! (:
Hais, I will be so bored tomorrow at home!
My mum's going to grandma's house.
Left me, my sister & brother at home.
But I think they must probability will go out.
Which means, I will be alone at home. Hahas.
Facing 4 walls!
If really no one acc me, I will make myself super tired so that I will stay up too late & face the black rooms!
I will be super afraid ok!
Although almost every week also like that, but scary leh!
I will scream & cry if something happened at home when I'm alone!!
So, go to sleep is the best.
Cause you don't know anything mah. Hahas.
But, one thing I'm lucky is, I don't watch ghost movie. Hahas.
So I won't scare myself out of it. Hahas.
The worst come to worst, is not ghost, is what if my house pops out a cockroach??
MY GOD!!! My tears will flow out just like a spoilt tap that will not stop.
Until someone helps me kill it.
I tried it once before.
I called Elaine at that time, but what can she do?
She also can't help me kill it.
Finally, I called my sister to come back & kill it for me.
She came back with her boyfriend, & her boyfriend helped me to kill it!
GOSH! He bravo man. But now he's far away at Sweden.
So if there's cockroach appearing again, no one can save me~
So cockroach, please don't appear when I'm alone ok?
I know you will listen to me! Hahas. Thank you cockroach!
I know you will be laughing now, so be it, laugh all you want.
I'm sure that's something that you will be damn afraid about.
Don't think tat you are really that strong.
Everyone will have their weakness.
Don't think that you are strong so that you can laugh at people.
Your day will surely come! (:
So warm now! My sister took the fan into our room & enjoy it alone.
So selfish. Hahas.
No lah, I also can use inside the room, but need lie on the bed, I don't want.
I rather sit on the sofa lorhs.
My bed so many stuffs.
Turn here got bears, turn there got blanket & bolster. Hahas.
Turn anywhere also got stuffs.
Sit on sofa so good, enjoy the whole sofa alone. Hahas.
I'm starting to yawn.
I can't fall asleep now.
I promised dear to stay awake, cause I want talk on phone with him.
I have days never talk on phone with him alr.
I can do it!! I can watch online show to kill time.
Today arcade closes at 12 midnight.
So he will reached home by 12.30a.m I guess.
Ok, shall stop here & continue my online hongkong show (:
BYES, Peeps! (:Labels: HAPPY 20th birthday, YONGHWEE

Ok, I shall say directly what happened.
I was crossing the red man traffic light to the bus stop,
I remembered correctly I SAW NO CARS!!!
Who the hell knows that I was at 1/4 of the road, a car came horning me.
I speeded up, just when I reached the center of the road, the car just drove passed me. OMG!!!
Just a few centimeters back me!! OH MY!!
SCARY!!! This had happened a few times alr.
I thought I will just leave this world!
NO NO NO! I still got millions of things to do before die.
I want to go Japan, Hokaiddo, Tokoyo. Thailand, ' Cloud Hill ' . Paris & many many more!!
I can't just die like this. (:
My back ACHES!!
I cannot lean on the right side of my back.
This started when I woke up this morning.
Baby still ask me go swimming with him, Elaine, KaiYing, ZhiJie & Elaine's father.
How to swim? Haha
Reb, Kass & me was laughing around this matter when we are having our lunch. Haha.
So stupid of us!! Haha.
Hais, I still got Geography & POA homework to do.
If I finishes the POA today, I no need to stay for AEP.
Shall start after my dinner then.

The Best Moment In Life
Falling in love
Laughing till your stomach hurts
Enjoying to your favourite song on the radio
Enjoying a ride down the country side
Getting out of the shower & wrapping yoursld with a warm, fuzzy towel
Going to sleep listening to the rain pouring outside
Passing your final exams with good grades
Being a part of an interesting conversation
Finding some money in some old pants
Laughing at yourself
Sharing a wonderful dinner with all your friends
Laughing without a reason
'Accidentally' hearing someone say something good about you
Watching the sunset
Listening to a son that remiands you of an important person in your life
Receiving or giving your first kiss
Feeling this buzz in our body when seeing this 'special' someone
Having a great time with your friends
Seeing the one you love happy
Wearing the shirt of a person you love & smelling his/hher perfume
Visitng an old friends of yours and rememebering great memories
Hearing soemone telling you ' I LOVE YOU '

Hahas. I have gotten back my results on friday night.
Really need to work damn hard for my studies alr.
Hmm, I think I am going to borrow storybooks from the library so that I can improve my EL.
Ok, I will find someone get me accompanied later to the library.
It's my time to post some photos now! (:
We Are The MIT!!
Jervis, Qian, Me, KaiYing, KangQi & Reb
747, Tian Mo Xin, Cherry Lao Shi, 187, Lu Ke Ying, 007.
Kassandra, KaiYing, Reb & me (:
Us again! Cool man!! (:
US AGAIN!! We love taking photos! :D
Jervis & me
KaiYing, Me & Reb :D
KaiYing, Reb & Qian
Haha, Those two tan chi gui!! haha, only care about the stingray!! :D
We cut off AhWei. Hahas,not us lah, is the photographer.
The photograper cut off Elaine & AhWei
Haha, 1 nice photo taken !! :D
Birthday Girl & ME!
AhWei & I are not involve in the kissing birthday girl competition. Haha.
Qian, me, Jer & Reb
Me & birthday girl!! Labels: All photos are taken on Qian's birthday party

Hahahaha! I super super "SMART" until I need to see the VP ok!
Hahas. Rubbish, is result lousy until see VP can.
Aiya, since this won't affect mid-year, prelim I work harder loh.
JIA YOU!!! Hahas!!!
Hmm, my brother is going to buy me Ipod Touch for my birthday.
My mum is going to buy me a watch for my birthday. Haha.
Ok, I know my birthday is still 3 months later.
But is better to prepare first. Haha.
In case, my brother got no money. Haha.
Ok, shall stop & blog again next time with pictures.
BYE! I'm off for my DINNER!!! YUM YUM!! (:

Why can't she be the caring mum that understands her daughter's studies?
Why can't she understand how much stress & pressure her daughter is going on in her studies?
She never understands her daughter in anyway?
The whole class failed Mathematics except for the only O'level maths candidate which wanted to retake again for better result passed.
Only 8 passes for combined humanities.
Only a handful passed for Biology.
Quite a lot of people failed EL.
Mrs Ram said, this mid year, she doesn't have the time to do preparation with us. That's why so many failed.
We will jiayou all the way!!!
We will win the race!!! Hahahahaha

Saw this in my constellation book which I found most of it true.
你是为了爱情,能全新奉献自己的典型巨蟹座女孩,充满 母性温柔的你,常常编织的梦幻。
你问我, 我是不是做错了事。
我告诉你, 我是乱写的。
但是, 我不想在骗你了。

YEAH!! Our girlfriend KangQi is back from her chicken pox!! Haha.
Miss her man! Haha.
She went out with us to celebrate Qian's birthday yesterday.
We met up at 12p.m & train-ed down to Buona Vista.
From there, we spilt into 2 groups of 5;
Me, Rebecca, Qian, Kassandra & KangQi.
cabbed down to a shopping center nearby & waited for ShiWei, Jervis, JunLe, Daniel & XinShen there.
As they can't find a taxi uncle who know the place & took the shuttle bus over.
We had planned to have our lunch at Eighteen.
Who knows that it isn't open.
It's operating hours are only on weekdays. haha.
But also can't blame Qian lah,
this is the second time she went to Eighteen.
So, we spilt into 3 groups which is,
me, Kassandra & KangQi one group.
Rebecca, ShiWei & Qian one group.
Jervis, Junle, Daniel & XinShen one group.
to cab down to IMM.
My group reached first, followed by Rebecca they all behind us.
We ended up eat MOS for lunch.
Then walked to Chervon for bowling, pool & KTV.
Haha. Got people treated me for 4 games of pool. Haha.
They still treated us 2 jugs of drinks & 1 plate of satay. Haha.
Good right!! Haha.
Went back to CCK to meet dear back home with me at around 11pm.
Reached home ataround 11.45pm alr.
So just went to bed.
如果我做错了一件事, 请你原谅我好吗? 我不想看见你讨厌我的样子
Labels: 我不会再带给你麻烦了

为了你, 任何事情, 我都愿意做
但是 。。。你总是紧闭心房。。。
Just finished my 2.4km run & oral examination today.
So tired!!
Don't have any strenght to know what's going with that person & em alr.
Super duper tired alr, still need to hear people quarreling.
Fuck lah! No one understands my feeling now. T.T
I promised myself not to cy anymore.
BUT NOW WHAT?! I broke my promise because of you.
I might have lost a friend just like this.
Have you thought of me?
I still need to face him during tutions.
Not like you!
Why can't you just treat that you have heard nothing!!
I just told my friends today, how happy I'm being with you.
But now, everything changed!!! T.T

Hahas, got complains from Iggy & ahgong say I never reply their tag. Hahas.
Ok lorhs. I replied alr hor, don't say I never keep my promise. Hahas.
1 year older alr, don't keep behave like a teenager alr. Hahas.
GROW UP!! Hahas. Joking lah.
Don't worry, next year we won't use cake to smash you alr.
We will think of other things. Hahas.
You can smash me if you like on my birthday.
BUT.. I think I will run if I saw you guys!! Hahas.
OK lah, I not that bad.
Want smash me tell me first ok?
I change into my camp tee, then play with you all. Hahas.
Lastly, may your wishes to come true! (:
Hais, I will be so bored tomorrow at home!
My mum's going to grandma's house.
Left me, my sister & brother at home.
But I think they must probability will go out.
Which means, I will be alone at home. Hahas.
Facing 4 walls!
If really no one acc me, I will make myself super tired so that I will stay up too late & face the black rooms!
I will be super afraid ok!
Although almost every week also like that, but scary leh!
I will scream & cry if something happened at home when I'm alone!!
So, go to sleep is the best.
Cause you don't know anything mah. Hahas.
But, one thing I'm lucky is, I don't watch ghost movie. Hahas.
So I won't scare myself out of it. Hahas.
The worst come to worst, is not ghost, is what if my house pops out a cockroach??
MY GOD!!! My tears will flow out just like a spoilt tap that will not stop.
Until someone helps me kill it.
I tried it once before.
I called Elaine at that time, but what can she do?
She also can't help me kill it.
Finally, I called my sister to come back & kill it for me.
She came back with her boyfriend, & her boyfriend helped me to kill it!
GOSH! He bravo man. But now he's far away at Sweden.
So if there's cockroach appearing again, no one can save me~
So cockroach, please don't appear when I'm alone ok?
I know you will listen to me! Hahas. Thank you cockroach!
I know you will be laughing now, so be it, laugh all you want.
I'm sure that's something that you will be damn afraid about.
Don't think tat you are really that strong.
Everyone will have their weakness.
Don't think that you are strong so that you can laugh at people.
Your day will surely come! (:
So warm now! My sister took the fan into our room & enjoy it alone.
So selfish. Hahas.
No lah, I also can use inside the room, but need lie on the bed, I don't want.
I rather sit on the sofa lorhs.
My bed so many stuffs.
Turn here got bears, turn there got blanket & bolster. Hahas.
Turn anywhere also got stuffs.
Sit on sofa so good, enjoy the whole sofa alone. Hahas.
I'm starting to yawn.
I can't fall asleep now.
I promised dear to stay awake, cause I want talk on phone with him.
I have days never talk on phone with him alr.
I can do it!! I can watch online show to kill time.
Today arcade closes at 12 midnight.
So he will reached home by 12.30a.m I guess.
Ok, shall stop here & continue my online hongkong show (:
BYES, Peeps! (:Labels: HAPPY 20th birthday, YONGHWEE