Preparing for O level Mother Tougue now,
not free to online & blog so often.
I will update after I finish all the things I need to do.
Shocked to see me awake now right?
Haha, guess where am I now?
At Lot 1 macdonalds. Haha.
I came out yesterday night to study.
So good girl right?
ZhengHao, ZhiJie had caught some sleep just now.
Only left me&darling.
But I think he can't take it soon. Haha.
Haha, I started to use Chinese with darling now.
So as to improve my Chinese (:
Haha. Shall stop here then.
BYE people

Haha, Guess where am I now??
In the xomputer Lab using computer! :)
Without Mdn Azzah permission, I am blogging!
Haha, need to check where she is every now and then.
In case she's coming towards me. Haha.
Don't worry, I got backup.
I opened a Straits Times website, just in case she come over and check on me.
I know I am smart :)
Hmm, later going to Lot 1 mac donalds to study at night.
Overnight you know?
When do you see me so hardworking??
OK, I going for my recess now :)
I wanted to post those words during my English lesson.
But I do not have enough time to finish it.
Tomorrow is JunLe's birthday.
During recess time, Jervis prepared a cake for him.
So we sang the birthday song & he cut the cake.
Hais, I don't think tonight studying will operate as usual :(
People are still undecided.
Nevermind, I try to complete my 2 essays first then.

I am down with flu now, taken the medicine that makes me feel tired & sleepy.
I shall say what I wanted to say and I will say hello to my lovely bed :)
I finally had the time to clear my table of books into the drawers. Haha.
Now my big stack of books are gone :)
BUT... A few files are left on my table.
Those worksheets in the files are papers without a proper file to be filed in.
Like, POA, Biology (I thinks that the file is in the locker), English (with Mdm Azzah), Geography (I do not know where it is hiding, haha), Chinese (in my lovely classroom), tution Mathematics paper (no file for it) & some of the Sec 4 social studies paper.
Now my table is clean & neat!! :)
I am so proud of myself today :) Haha.
From now on, I will have a proper table for me to use my laptop & study.
The only I hope for now is that, my table will not go back to what it was before I cleared up so soon. :)
Haha, call me genius!
I am a dumb instead.
I just figured out how to use set my laptop with Chinese typing.
DUMB right?
BUT... I am dumb with LOTS of CUTE!! Haha.
I know I am using broken English, I just do not know how to correct that sentence.
Can some kind soul help me?
I know there are kind soul in the world :) Haha. Kinda stupid right?
Hmm, Hazel, our class tee maker was here today.
She brought some samples of the t-shirt for us to choose.
Both classes, 51 & 52 seems to be undecided for the type of t-shirt at first.
But, lucky it was settled at last.
They choosen Drifit t-shirt.
I personally thinks that Drifit Polo tee will be quite nice on us.
Sadly, majority chose normal Drifit tee.
Therefore, majority wins :)
Nevermind, since is class tee, then just follow what they want.
I do not want to say so much alr, if not later people say I creating trouble.
Ok, shall stop here.
I still got some things left for me to complete. :)Labels: I love my table now :)

Today was like a free day to me. (: We started school late, first 2 periods was Math, slacked & chatted with KingNgee about all kind of stuffs. Followed by 2 periods of PE, sat on the bench near the basketball court to see the Chinese boy played basketball. Just then, I heard, “ RING~~”. Haha, it’s recess!! WOO~! Didn’t ate much. After recess was 2 periods of Chemistry Practical. Ms Kom is on MC today with a high fever. So relief teacher came and looked after us. Stay in class for 1 free period of CE which was Ms Kom’s lesson. Haha. Last period was Chinese. Just sat down on the comfortable chair to copy answers. The bell goes “ RING~” again. Haha. (: Went to MPLV5 to put down our bags then went to library for interview for CIP with Jervis.
At around 3pm, went back to MPLV5 for Chinese AEP lesson. Slacked and copied answers again. There’s was lots of laughter during the AEP. Haha, especially when the AEP is ending. All because of the Grayson. Ricky was saying that YuZhen’s face will turn red very easily. Then that Grayson, don’t know what is happening in his mind, suddenly said I look like baboon. Haha. Idiot (: Haha. After this, we continued with lots of funny things linked to the baboon. Haha. Super funny. The laughter is more than I can say over here.
Oh ya, I remembered I did something stupid during the Chemistry Practical. I was shocked by the result when I added some acid to some other solution. The colour was decolourised. Suddenly, purple become no colour. Haha. Shocked me. Like dumb right?
Ok, shall stop here. My shoulder is aching.

My school ends at 10am tomorrow! (:
Yeah! Outing out with Malcolm & XinShen first to buy something.
After that, I am going out with darling.
Super dulan now lah.
Mum keep nagging & nagging.
FUCK LAH!! Want go out only.
Keep scoldingabout th fucking Matematics Paper.
Even HOD of Maths also says that the paper is over O' level standard.
A-Math standard ok!
As if I study a-maths!!!
Say my brain no use, like your brain super got use!!!
Ask me wait until O'level finished then go out.
As if I will! I will die man!!
O level! Siao. Ask me 5 months don't go out?
I will really die!
Ma chiam everytime my fault, don't know how to do also my fault.
As if the Mdm Ng set the paper very easy!!
I know how to do most of it alr very good alr ok.
Only Hidayah passed.
Everytime also want blame me.
Forget it.
Don't think alr. I go sleep now.
Go out tomorrow, study on saturday & sunday then.
Since she say I am not studying!!! I study give her see!!

School is busy nowadays.
I think I wont update my blog until I'm feel.
Photos will be up as soon as possible..
Preparing for O level Mother Tougue now,
not free to online & blog so often.
I will update after I finish all the things I need to do.
Shocked to see me awake now right?
Haha, guess where am I now?
At Lot 1 macdonalds. Haha.
I came out yesterday night to study.
So good girl right?
ZhengHao, ZhiJie had caught some sleep just now.
Only left me&darling.
But I think he can't take it soon. Haha.
Haha, I started to use Chinese with darling now.
So as to improve my Chinese (:
Haha. Shall stop here then.
BYE people

Haha, Guess where am I now??
In the xomputer Lab using computer! :)
Without Mdn Azzah permission, I am blogging!
Haha, need to check where she is every now and then.
In case she's coming towards me. Haha.
Don't worry, I got backup.
I opened a Straits Times website, just in case she come over and check on me.
I know I am smart :)
Hmm, later going to Lot 1 mac donalds to study at night.
Overnight you know?
When do you see me so hardworking??
OK, I going for my recess now :)
I wanted to post those words during my English lesson.
But I do not have enough time to finish it.
Tomorrow is JunLe's birthday.
During recess time, Jervis prepared a cake for him.
So we sang the birthday song & he cut the cake.
Hais, I don't think tonight studying will operate as usual :(
People are still undecided.
Nevermind, I try to complete my 2 essays first then.

I am down with flu now, taken the medicine that makes me feel tired & sleepy.
I shall say what I wanted to say and I will say hello to my lovely bed :)
I finally had the time to clear my table of books into the drawers. Haha.
Now my big stack of books are gone :)
BUT... A few files are left on my table.
Those worksheets in the files are papers without a proper file to be filed in.
Like, POA, Biology (I thinks that the file is in the locker), English (with Mdm Azzah), Geography (I do not know where it is hiding, haha), Chinese (in my lovely classroom), tution Mathematics paper (no file for it) & some of the Sec 4 social studies paper.
Now my table is clean & neat!! :)
I am so proud of myself today :) Haha.
From now on, I will have a proper table for me to use my laptop & study.
The only I hope for now is that, my table will not go back to what it was before I cleared up so soon. :)
Haha, call me genius!
I am a dumb instead.
I just figured out how to use set my laptop with Chinese typing.
DUMB right?
BUT... I am dumb with LOTS of CUTE!! Haha.
I know I am using broken English, I just do not know how to correct that sentence.
Can some kind soul help me?
I know there are kind soul in the world :) Haha. Kinda stupid right?
Hmm, Hazel, our class tee maker was here today.
She brought some samples of the t-shirt for us to choose.
Both classes, 51 & 52 seems to be undecided for the type of t-shirt at first.
But, lucky it was settled at last.
They choosen Drifit t-shirt.
I personally thinks that Drifit Polo tee will be quite nice on us.
Sadly, majority chose normal Drifit tee.
Therefore, majority wins :)
Nevermind, since is class tee, then just follow what they want.
I do not want to say so much alr, if not later people say I creating trouble.
Ok, shall stop here.
I still got some things left for me to complete. :)Labels: I love my table now :)

Today was like a free day to me. (: We started school late, first 2 periods was Math, slacked & chatted with KingNgee about all kind of stuffs. Followed by 2 periods of PE, sat on the bench near the basketball court to see the Chinese boy played basketball. Just then, I heard, “ RING~~”. Haha, it’s recess!! WOO~! Didn’t ate much. After recess was 2 periods of Chemistry Practical. Ms Kom is on MC today with a high fever. So relief teacher came and looked after us. Stay in class for 1 free period of CE which was Ms Kom’s lesson. Haha. Last period was Chinese. Just sat down on the comfortable chair to copy answers. The bell goes “ RING~” again. Haha. (: Went to MPLV5 to put down our bags then went to library for interview for CIP with Jervis.
At around 3pm, went back to MPLV5 for Chinese AEP lesson. Slacked and copied answers again. There’s was lots of laughter during the AEP. Haha, especially when the AEP is ending. All because of the Grayson. Ricky was saying that YuZhen’s face will turn red very easily. Then that Grayson, don’t know what is happening in his mind, suddenly said I look like baboon. Haha. Idiot (: Haha. After this, we continued with lots of funny things linked to the baboon. Haha. Super funny. The laughter is more than I can say over here.
Oh ya, I remembered I did something stupid during the Chemistry Practical. I was shocked by the result when I added some acid to some other solution. The colour was decolourised. Suddenly, purple become no colour. Haha. Shocked me. Like dumb right?
Ok, shall stop here. My shoulder is aching.

My school ends at 10am tomorrow! (:
Yeah! Outing out with Malcolm & XinShen first to buy something.
After that, I am going out with darling.
Super dulan now lah.
Mum keep nagging & nagging.
FUCK LAH!! Want go out only.
Keep scoldingabout th fucking Matematics Paper.
Even HOD of Maths also says that the paper is over O' level standard.
A-Math standard ok!
As if I study a-maths!!!
Say my brain no use, like your brain super got use!!!
Ask me wait until O'level finished then go out.
As if I will! I will die man!!
O level! Siao. Ask me 5 months don't go out?
I will really die!
Ma chiam everytime my fault, don't know how to do also my fault.
As if the Mdm Ng set the paper very easy!!
I know how to do most of it alr very good alr ok.
Only Hidayah passed.
Everytime also want blame me.
Forget it.
Don't think alr. I go sleep now.
Go out tomorrow, study on saturday & sunday then.
Since she say I am not studying!!! I study give her see!!

School is busy nowadays.
I think I wont update my blog until I'm feel.
Photos will be up as soon as possible..