Hmm, saw Ivan having this quote on his facebook. A true friend are those who stabs you at the front. I found this quite true because I had been through this before. My true friends tells me my mistakes and I have changed. And now, me and those true friends are back as friends now. It's very difficult to have true friends. You can have alot of best friends, but you may only have 1 true friends in your group of best friends. There's alot of friendship problems I've got to know about now. Some problems that I personally found it quite ridiculous. I don't have any rights to comment about the problems now. As a outsider, I will not know the truth to that problem. Because, I got to know the problems by others. They might have added some things in and left some things out. When they do this, the story will be different from the original one. So I will not comment anything unless, it is the truth of the truth.
Baby is having his exam soon le. Hope he can study hard and get to a poly bah. And of course, hope all my friends will give their very best in the future school :)Labels: A true friends are those who stabs you at the front

I had a good day at first, but everything just messed up because of him!WHAT THE HELL is this!! Everytime also like that! No matter what mood I am in, he will just mess up my mood that I am enjoying! FUCK!
Bloody hell!! So fuck lah! Everything also my fault! Also not my problem. Only know how to scold scold scold. Not my fault also scold. What she say you also believe, she say I die alr you also believe lah! She's your daughter, I am also your daughter ok!!! I haing fever that time you know anot. Only know how to scold. You got think of me anot? In your eyes I am just a piece of shit! She do anything you also say ok. What I say you also think I bull shit. What the hell is this! Scold Scold, I also human ok! Nothing goes my way! Relationship, family ties all things. So bloody hell lah!! I am going to burst alr. I think I just go commit sucide and die suan le.

Haha! Went out for catch a movie with Winnie, Beng & Quek over at Plaza Singapura as a CNY gathering. Met up with Quek & Beng first as Winnie will meet us up after her school. Shop around while waiting fo her. Went to Astons for dinner when she came over. Then went off for the movie after that. After the movie, we went to buy ice-cream!! Haha. Today our group had a couple for 20 minutes! Haha. The worst is for a 1 for 1 free ice-cream. Haha. Which was acted by Winnie & Quek! Haha. The couple relationship just lasted because of the ice-cream. Haha. Eating the ice-cream while walking to 313 somerset for some shopping. Met up with Wilson outside 313 somerset. Then the whole group of us took 190 back. Beng, Quek & Wilson alighted at Panjang as they are headed to Causeway to meet up with their friend.
Hmm, shall stop here then :) bye people :)

Hmm, so bored!! Still waiting for my poly admission letter. So slow! :( Haha. Shall stop here then, nothing to post about le.
Labels: ahboy happy birthday
There's many things in life that I couldn't decide. Somehow like it's also decided by the god in heaven? Nevermind, I shall put it aside for the moment.
Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day is coming! It happens to on the same day! Haha. And guess what? That day is a special day for my daddy and sister, IT'S THEIR BIRTHDAY! WOO~
We will be having a party at home that day. Hehe, what a lively Valentine's day and Chinese New Year. :D
Hmm, baby promise me to go out with me next friday to watch 'The Imginarium Of Doctor Parnassus'. Haha. I thought he will forget that I want to watch this movie. Because the day I told him, I wanted to watch this movie was quite long ago. So I thought he would forget it.
Ok, shall stop here then :D
Labels: I am so high now

I hate that bloody hell cab driver!! He hit & run!! So fuck lah!! Hit the cat on the road and run off. Bloody hell! The cat is so pitiful lah. Baby carried it from the center of the road back on the grass patch beside the pathway. Baby said that the neck bone is broken. That's why cannot the cat cant stand and walk. Why can the taxi driver do this!!! If we could see the taxi number, we will have called the police. it's better than leaving the cat there. we could do nothing. although, it's only a stray cat. but it's still a life!! i really dont know why people can hit & run. I will curse that bloody taxi driver. Curse him, give birth to baby, the baby got no butt!! IDIOT!!
Labels: hit and run

When you speak honestly and openly, others truly listen to you
This is my love horoscope on facebook which I found it quite true. "Some issues in love may perplex you in this period, Cancer, but you will only need to look within yourself for answers here. You may be feeling somewhat insecure about your current love relationship and unsure how to relieve your fears because you're not really sure what is sparking your feelings of insecurity. If you are not able to identify something in your mate that is causing your doubts, look to your past experiences for the cause. It's likely you're comparing your current relationship with a past bond that ended on a bad note. While there may be similarities, your current romance is very different and very unlikely to go down the same road as any of your past loves. This is a case of simply washing away your fears with the love of today, it is as authentic as it feels but you need to believe that yourself first."

Hmm, saw Ivan having this quote on his facebook. A true friend are those who stabs you at the front. I found this quite true because I had been through this before. My true friends tells me my mistakes and I have changed. And now, me and those true friends are back as friends now. It's very difficult to have true friends. You can have alot of best friends, but you may only have 1 true friends in your group of best friends. There's alot of friendship problems I've got to know about now. Some problems that I personally found it quite ridiculous. I don't have any rights to comment about the problems now. As a outsider, I will not know the truth to that problem. Because, I got to know the problems by others. They might have added some things in and left some things out. When they do this, the story will be different from the original one. So I will not comment anything unless, it is the truth of the truth.
Baby is having his exam soon le. Hope he can study hard and get to a poly bah. And of course, hope all my friends will give their very best in the future school :)Labels: A true friends are those who stabs you at the front

I had a good day at first, but everything just messed up because of him!WHAT THE HELL is this!! Everytime also like that! No matter what mood I am in, he will just mess up my mood that I am enjoying! FUCK!
Bloody hell!! So fuck lah! Everything also my fault! Also not my problem. Only know how to scold scold scold. Not my fault also scold. What she say you also believe, she say I die alr you also believe lah! She's your daughter, I am also your daughter ok!!! I haing fever that time you know anot. Only know how to scold. You got think of me anot? In your eyes I am just a piece of shit! She do anything you also say ok. What I say you also think I bull shit. What the hell is this! Scold Scold, I also human ok! Nothing goes my way! Relationship, family ties all things. So bloody hell lah!! I am going to burst alr. I think I just go commit sucide and die suan le.

Haha! Went out for catch a movie with Winnie, Beng & Quek over at Plaza Singapura as a CNY gathering. Met up with Quek & Beng first as Winnie will meet us up after her school. Shop around while waiting fo her. Went to Astons for dinner when she came over. Then went off for the movie after that. After the movie, we went to buy ice-cream!! Haha. Today our group had a couple for 20 minutes! Haha. The worst is for a 1 for 1 free ice-cream. Haha. Which was acted by Winnie & Quek! Haha. The couple relationship just lasted because of the ice-cream. Haha. Eating the ice-cream while walking to 313 somerset for some shopping. Met up with Wilson outside 313 somerset. Then the whole group of us took 190 back. Beng, Quek & Wilson alighted at Panjang as they are headed to Causeway to meet up with their friend.
Hmm, shall stop here then :) bye people :)

Hmm, so bored!! Still waiting for my poly admission letter. So slow! :( Haha. Shall stop here then, nothing to post about le.
Labels: ahboy happy birthday
There's many things in life that I couldn't decide. Somehow like it's also decided by the god in heaven? Nevermind, I shall put it aside for the moment.
Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day is coming! It happens to on the same day! Haha. And guess what? That day is a special day for my daddy and sister, IT'S THEIR BIRTHDAY! WOO~
We will be having a party at home that day. Hehe, what a lively Valentine's day and Chinese New Year. :D
Hmm, baby promise me to go out with me next friday to watch 'The Imginarium Of Doctor Parnassus'. Haha. I thought he will forget that I want to watch this movie. Because the day I told him, I wanted to watch this movie was quite long ago. So I thought he would forget it.
Ok, shall stop here then :D
Labels: I am so high now

I hate that bloody hell cab driver!! He hit & run!! So fuck lah!! Hit the cat on the road and run off. Bloody hell! The cat is so pitiful lah. Baby carried it from the center of the road back on the grass patch beside the pathway. Baby said that the neck bone is broken. That's why cannot the cat cant stand and walk. Why can the taxi driver do this!!! If we could see the taxi number, we will have called the police. it's better than leaving the cat there. we could do nothing. although, it's only a stray cat. but it's still a life!! i really dont know why people can hit & run. I will curse that bloody taxi driver. Curse him, give birth to baby, the baby got no butt!! IDIOT!!
Labels: hit and run

When you speak honestly and openly, others truly listen to you
This is my love horoscope on facebook which I found it quite true. "Some issues in love may perplex you in this period, Cancer, but you will only need to look within yourself for answers here. You may be feeling somewhat insecure about your current love relationship and unsure how to relieve your fears because you're not really sure what is sparking your feelings of insecurity. If you are not able to identify something in your mate that is causing your doubts, look to your past experiences for the cause. It's likely you're comparing your current relationship with a past bond that ended on a bad note. While there may be similarities, your current romance is very different and very unlikely to go down the same road as any of your past loves. This is a case of simply washing away your fears with the love of today, it is as authentic as it feels but you need to believe that yourself first."