hais. i think this will be th first time & th last time i am going that forgiving alr. i can confirm this will be th first time & th last time people is treating me this way! i swear. that really hurts me into my heart. all broken alr. maybe it will be fixed, maybe it wont. i dont know. but it really hurts me! this time th pain is different from th other time. this one, is alot more pain than those. i hate it. really hate. i will not forget that moment that i really feel like throwing everything away & run away. keep on running and running, non-stop. because i'm really hurt!Labels: totally hurt.
hais. fallen sick. but no one bothers. especially him. what can i do now? who can help me? T.T
Labels: cry

Changed my blog link. :)) hehe! baby's working now at th sudden part time job. baby asked me to wait until he finishes at 11pm. i promised him, i will. just now something happened, that made me cried. because i can't bear him to leave. thought that he wont go alr, but in th end he went. hide myself at one corner. but he noticed that, i was sad alr. but he made me more sad when he said: 'i cant be like that.' it makes me more sad. because i tried to control my feelings alr. :( hais.
nevermind, shall not say alr. because he's working tomorrow too. but i'm going out. hehehehehehe! to celebrate mummy's birthday. :) hahahahahaha! can see him on saturday! :) he said he want bring me go takashimaya to buy something. heheh! but also dont know what to do after buying things. maybe go back cck? i dont know. hais. see how bah. maybe suddenly cancel th date? i hope not :)
yawns! tired! didnt had enough sleep this few days. wanted to have a nice sleep just now, but phone rang and woke me up. siannns! tomorrow having lesson at 9am! gonna wake up for lesson if not MAGDALINE will wack my butt! i dont want let her wack my shy butt. hahahahahaha! :)) okok! shall stop here alr. :)) update again :)Labels: a new start for me. ♥

super tired~ tomorrow starting lesson at 8am! omg! is so freaking ok! Stupid phamarcology! so early got tutorial. confirm fall asleep. tomorrow end at 4pm somemore!! sians! i want faster reach saturday! because can go out with my 2 crazy girls! :)) happy mannnnnn! super lots of things happened this few days. th only time i could really forget all those things is when i'm having fun & crazy times! but how often will i have these crazy times? one month once? maybe. i want go out have alot alot of fun! but i know, he won't be there with me. because he alr told me he won't alr. & he asked me not to go also. i was thinking, i don't go, you also no time acc me. then i stay at home do what? bored till death? hais.
coughing, coughing & coughing. ): eyes are dry also. ): what a bad weather. sleep early tonight. too tired alr. :))Labels: thanks for forgiving me.
i shouldn't have hope so much. th more i wish for it, th bigger disappointment i will have.
mixed feelings again. why is my mind all about those things? are those things true? i don't know. in fact, i don't know how to differentiate. or should i say, i rather not know? hais.
waiting for his reply. but i don't think he will reply me until he finish his lan. hais. tonight alone, will he acc me chat? i hope so. but i scare he will be tired/busy. so fast it's going 9pm alr. maybe baby will be finishing soon, cause he told me that he will be buying old chang kee for his dad.
my cough is getting worst. kept coughing & coughing at night. lucky got baby beside me. pour water for me :) mm, chat until fall asleep. haha. during the night, baby is hugging me, on and off. haha! i like him to hug me to sleep when i'm sick. it made me feel secure. *hugs* :)
Labels: ♥ him alot. hugs :)

Everything is different now. I lost one more friend. A friend that I used to treasure alot, like my secondary school friends. Returning changes because of one thing. But is not your fault. Really! Even if I didn't went out yesterday, when I going out some other says later, it will still be missing. So is not your fault really. Is me who is blur that made the card go missing, not you. I didn't blame you or anything. You are a good friend that listens to me when I'm down. You will console me. It's really not your fault. I don't wish this to happen again :( that really hurts. If you see this, I want to tell you something. I'm sorry. I really dont know he will do that to you. Sorry. I apologize to you. Sorry. Will we be friends again? I hope. Really hope.
Hais. Lost in th jungle. Will everything goes back to normal? I don't know. I hope so. This few days is like so unlucky to me. Hais. Slept over at baby house after he played lan. And now, it's raining outside. So cold. :( lucky got blanket. Feel like pouring all th water out. :(
Labels: Will everything goes back to normal?

Hais. Can't find my Ez-link card again. :( hope that tomorrow I wake up, it will be at somewhere that I could see. Ez-link card, my darling. Where are you? Come back to me please. I miss you alot alot. You are like my oxygen, I can't live without you. Come back to me please. I beg you. Don't just leave me alone like that please. *cried*
So boredddddddddddddddd. Will soneone kill my boredom for me? Waiting for that lazy pig, LARRY YEO JUN BOON to reply me!!!

came back from a super tiring day. i thought when i came back, i would see something that will make me smile or happy. but it didn't happened. everything is not there anymore. everything starts to change. or maybe, i should change too. change into a girl, that doesn't care/bother. a girl that will make herself feels happy for her own sake. a girl that will try her very best to make herself smile no matter what happen. because this girl knows, there's always some people behind her, giving her support, their care & concern. and these people is whom, she will never forget in her life. her lao da; eric, da ge ge; max, good friend; elaine & sister; yy. she will never forget how they console her, helped her, trying to make her smile no matter how. thanks people! i will remember what happened yesterday night truly in my heart. really a big big thankyou to you guys! ♥
i was quite happy just now in the evening. but after i heard something, my mood just changed super quickly. maybe is because, i cant adpat to the changes? i dont know. the same old thing comes to me again. am i thinking too much? i dont know. i hope i'm not. but what if it's the truth? i think i will choose, not to face it. because, usually the truth is super hurting. i dont want to cry anymore. really had enough. all my tears is running soon. i know that one day, when i'm really sad but there's no tears rolling down my eyes, is the day that my heart is really numb. and by then, i wont believe in anything alr. not a single one.
Labels: what a tiring day. ):

I really hate this feeling. Fully, 100%! Hate this walking home alone at night. Without anyone acc-ing, msg with, I really feel super afraid when I'm walking home myself. Th darkness, those cats & people keep staring at me while walking. I don't know how to say. I really feel like being angry with him, but I don't know why, I just can't. But he just don't understand. I don't want to quarrel. So I could only keep myself quiet. *cry*
can anyone console me? please? ):
Hais. School's starting tomorrow. 2 words to describe. super sian. buying lecture notes tomorrow. bring a big big bag over. so i no need to carry it book around. sian. nothing to blog about. shall stop here then since got nothing to talk about. hais. cried again. you wont reply me. you wont.Labels: hais. sian.

Fcuk! I give up alr. Seriously, no matter what i do, she won't be happy. Th family won't be happy. Since you all won't be happy, then I think I no need to bother about what you all say alr loh. Cause you all also won't be happy about what I do, then I won't bother about what you all say loh. & I just want you to acc me only, can't you just let me for just one time? But I know you won't. Even how unhappy I am, how much I wanted to cry, you also won't bother mah.
Went to yy's house for mahjong in th afternoon with baby. Super fun! Haha! Th same thing goes again. Lost money to baby. But, he say no need. So I didn't pay him. Was quite fun. :) Hope to have another session again. Because only by playing & shopping, I will forget about all those fcuking things and problems. I don't want these fcukin problems anymore. But, it's impossible for me to change alone. Because one person change won't make any changes.
Is it so difficult to make me laugh? I don't know. But I think so. Cause, no one will please me or make me laugh now. You will only see me cry from now on, because I'm hurt. Super hurt. No one will know how hurt I am. No one! That one sentence, really hurt me. I stopped eating. I threw th food away. I think no matter how much chocolate I eat now also no use alr. Because chocolates won't heal me from now on. Or maybe nothing will heal me. Labels: nothing will heal me from now on :(

yawns. tired. haha. meet yy for lunch at around 2 plus. went to 302 to eat. after lunch, we went to lot one for some window shopping. lot one shopping mall is just simply BORING! haha! then we went to those seats outside mac to chit chat while waiting for baby to reach. we chatted about, me & baby, her & zj. haha. kept laughing & laughing when i told her about me & baby. haha! super funny! because at that time, some people are just disturbing me! haha. irritating. haha! after baby came, we went to subway to eat cookies and baby eat his dinner. chit chat there also. then we went to walk around. after awhile, we went home cause there's nothing to do at cck. haha! i went to baby house, yy went home. chit chat at baby's house, but after that baby went to sleep cause he wasn't feeling well. no choice, so i used is laptop loh. he woke up at around 8.30pm. then he watch his anime awhile, then we went to had our dinner. i bought mac home, baby bought fried noodles back. haha.
chatted with baby on msn just now & he's playing blackshot now. i'm watching hk show now. haha. but i think awhile more, i'm going to bed. cause tomorrow we're going to yy's house for mahjong in th afternoon. but i need to reach home by 7pm. i tomorrow morning need to morning call baby at 6.30am. he can't wake up for school. he was late for school today. woke up at 10.30 today while his school starts at 11. so he took cab to school. i dont want him to be lae alr. so i tell him, i will morning call him at 6.30. haha! he's used to my morning call alr. before my holidays, when i'm still having school, i used to call him to wake up. now, i'm still having my holidays, he can't wake up for school. haha! this means that, he can't live without me! :) hehe!
i think i will miss him when he go for ns. :( one week only can see him for 2 days. when he book out on friday evening, & need to book in on sunday evening. hence, only left 2 days for me :( sad sad. baby wants me to be independent now. he's afraid that i will rely on him too much when he's in ns. & i'm afraid that i will. so i promised him, if he smoke less, i will learn how to be independent! and i really will :)) i really promised. Labels: i promised, i swear ♥

haha! meeting yy for lunch soon :)) so bored staying at home. specially is when i'm alone. facing 4 walls & th tv! haha! okok! i gtg! yy left house alr. blog later :))Labels: lunchhh

haha! just reached from a tired & AWESOME day :)) haha. woke up at 11 plus, took a shower then went down to Bugis meet baby for th interview. actually we said to meet at 12.30 for lunch before going for th interview, both of us are LATE! haha. reached there at around 12.45. so we went to buy some snacks to fill our stomach first while waiting for serene to tell us where to look for her. th interview lasted for around 2 hours at iluma! ohmygodddd! so freaking long!!! th job is just COMPLICATED to explain & understand. so baby & I is planning not to go for th training tomorrow. haha! we didn't reply th person in-charge & pick his call up! haha! we are like so bad right? haha! hai hao only lehh. haha.
after th interview, we went to Bugis junction's arcade to play spot th difference. haha. cause baby left one token, so we used that up loh. th spot difference was super cool. they have scrolling, and mirror image! super cool right? th mirror image one is super difficult to find mannnn! haha! after th game, baby treat me eat ice-cream!!! haha! yum yum! bought chewy juniors! baby treat me too! :)) then we headed down to yy's house for mahjong at around 3 plus. fall asleep in th bus. took lrt to fajar when we reached pending station. baby bought nasi lemak for ah bao, then we went up her house. haha!
started to play mahjong. ohmygoddd! th whole session is just awesome & full of laughter! baby super bad! bully me & yy! i lose $125 to him loh! luckily we are just playing th chips money, not real money. if not i think i dont know my pocket th hole will be how big alr! haha! noelle came at around 9 plus & helped yy bought mac for dinner & drink for us. thanks noelle! :)) took cab home with baby at around 10.30.
super tired! my neck is aching! i think is because very long never blog for so longggggg alr. eyes getting dry cause i'm wearing my contact lens since th moment i woke up. haha! about 12 hours alr! haha! ohmygod! my stomach.......is growling. shit! i'm hungry! haha! nvrm, it's tibits time! haha. wanted to chat with baby abit longer, so i will eat some tibits first :)) Labels: :)) awesome day

haha! finally went out for shopping today!!! haha! with yy. & of course, thanks to noelle! :) helped me with my shopping. bought 2 jumper & 1 belt. haha. my old one can throw away alr. haha. leet with no money! haha! luckily, i'm taking my allowance daily. not monthly, haha. if not, i dont think i will have money for the following month alr. haha.
tired. maybe falling asleep soon. still got interview tomorrow. like so sian? dont feel like working for that job, but baby say just give it a try loh. so i meeting him 11.30am at Bugis for lunch then go for th interview. sian. i think i will be sleeping soon. cause really tired. :(

haha! i just found out something super interesting! :))
i had 16 people including me, having our birthday in July! haha!
most of them are my buddies! :))
here are the people :))
July 3- Zhixian (baby's brother)
July 5- Yingying (nyp mate)
July 6- Reagan (baby's brother)
July 8- Yingying; yy (good friend)
July 9- Kassandra (pre-ems)
July 12- Edna (good friend)
July 14- Weekeat (twps & unity mate)
July 15- Jennifer (nyp mate)
July 17- Vanessa (cousin)
July 21- WanZhen (unity mate)
July 22- ME! ME!
July 23- Elaine; choo (pre-ems)
July 25- Siewhow (nyp mate)
July 29- Kingngee (good friend cum buddy)
July 30- Shimin (baby's 8 years friend), Uncle Soon.
hahaha! so many right? haha. shocked! :))
yawns! tired! haha. went to play mahjong at yy's house yesterday with baby, zhijie, jack at night. around 12 plus then shimin & zhixian came to look for us. played mahjong until 3am, then went to blk 103 to eat breadfast with baby, zhixian, jack. shimin took cab home when she reach 103. ate fried beehoon, then went to take cab back to baby's house with jack. zhixian acc us to wait for cab, then he went home. once i reached baby's house, i went to sleep. then baby went to put all his clothes into the washing machine. he bully me loh! woke me up to acc him to wait for his clothes to be washed in the washing machine and hang them. haha! the moment, he went out to hang his clothes, my eyes lids goes 'pop'. haha! eyes closed, mind closed, soul flied to lala land! haha! slept until this morning 12 plus then i wake up. cause baby going reagan's house overnight, as they going for ns checkup tomorrow morning. they need to reach the place by 8.30am. so they decided to take cab over from reagan house to the place. i think after that he will be going home to sleep bah. dont think he have enough sleep this few days. & he's starting school on tuesday alr. & he will start to work next week. i next week also starting school le! so fast! there goes my holiday :( haha!
yawns again! waiting for baby to reply me msg. hais. waiting makes me impatient! haha! but nevermind bah. at least he will have fun when he's with his friends. & smile really happily when he's with his friends. that's what i wanted to see. i just want him to be happy :)) ♥
Labels: ♥

Hais. It's just a waste of my time to do all those fcuking shit. I shouldn't be happy at all. Because no one appreciate those shit I do. No one! From the start to the end, no one appreciate. Just none. I am just wasting my fcuking tmne, energy, sleep to do all those fcuking shit. Maybe I really should be can't be bothered alr. Cause everything is just waste of my time.
yippee! done with my re-test! :)
sibeh happy! haha!
ok, i know i am getting abit not that 淑女now.
haha! sorry lahh. haha! too happy alr.
lookin forward to 5 days later ♥
hehe! meeting baby later.
fetching him for work later at 6pm.
haha! i feel so tired now.
maybe going for a nap later.
going out at 5pm.
hope got traffic jam!
then i no need to wait for him for so long. haha!
Labels: ♥ you
tomorrow is my test alr.
hope i could remember every single thing.
but, i'm really very scare i will mind blank.
i'm planning to see the SAQs first, then write down what i remember.
MCQs still got options to choose.
2 hours, can slowly do.
wish me good luck. :))
Labels: hope you know i'm waiting

i'm so freaking ass bored!!!
cant go out, nothing to do at home facing those walls.
watch tv also sian, cause no show.
all my show also finished alr.
tomorrow's test alao finished studying.
really nothing else left for me to do.
feel like going out for a walk.
to relax myself for now.
relax my mind, hands. everything.
& get ready to write all i remember on the paper tomorrow.
but i cant. hais. i know everything is for my own good, but i really feel like going out. hais. why cant you understand? :(( *cry*
didn't had any night is sleeping well this few days.
kept on waking up in the middle of th night & cant get back to sleep.
hais. really dont know what's going on.
can someone help me?
i felt so lost.
Labels: bored.

really super tired~
tired of this & that.
can't be bothered alr.
too tired to bother.
haha! went to Singapore Flyer with Winnie & co. to celebrate her birthday. $10 for students & th promotion ends just nice on her birthday. Did alot of stupid things on the flyer! haha. Cause the whole cabin is ours. No outsiders. Haha! So we are crazy in th cabin. uploading the videos now. Th size is too big alr, so it is uploading super slow. Uploaded th photos yesterday on facebook alr. After th flyer, we went to Bugis for steamboat. Saw my cousin there. Ate steamboat from 6pm to 9plus? I think so. I can't remember clearly. went to drink Koi at iluma. While walking there, shared 2 scoop of waffle cup ice-cream with baby. Slack awhile at iluma, then went to arcade to play fishing until 11.30pm. Quek & Beng took train back while we to took cab back, waiting for cab until 11.55pm, then got cab. Sent Elaine back first, then me, Winnie & baby went back home. Winnie went home, I go back change my heels to flats, then me & baby walked to Lot find ZhiXian & ShiMin. ShiMin is flying off that morning itself to HK, will be back on Monday. Slacked till 2plus, then took cab home. Got changed & went to bed. really very tired.
a day that i dont wish to remember a single thing. a night that i really hate. sorry, my girl. a night that i really felt like walking off strongly & never turn back.
bored~ sian~ nothing to do. studied for retest. hope can pass. ok, shall stop here alr. cant be bothered.
Labels: cant be bothered anymore.
hais. i think this will be th first time & th last time i am going that forgiving alr. i can confirm this will be th first time & th last time people is treating me this way! i swear. that really hurts me into my heart. all broken alr. maybe it will be fixed, maybe it wont. i dont know. but it really hurts me! this time th pain is different from th other time. this one, is alot more pain than those. i hate it. really hate. i will not forget that moment that i really feel like throwing everything away & run away. keep on running and running, non-stop. because i'm really hurt!Labels: totally hurt.
hais. fallen sick. but no one bothers. especially him. what can i do now? who can help me? T.T
Labels: cry

Changed my blog link. :)) hehe! baby's working now at th sudden part time job. baby asked me to wait until he finishes at 11pm. i promised him, i will. just now something happened, that made me cried. because i can't bear him to leave. thought that he wont go alr, but in th end he went. hide myself at one corner. but he noticed that, i was sad alr. but he made me more sad when he said: 'i cant be like that.' it makes me more sad. because i tried to control my feelings alr. :( hais.
nevermind, shall not say alr. because he's working tomorrow too. but i'm going out. hehehehehehe! to celebrate mummy's birthday. :) hahahahahaha! can see him on saturday! :) he said he want bring me go takashimaya to buy something. heheh! but also dont know what to do after buying things. maybe go back cck? i dont know. hais. see how bah. maybe suddenly cancel th date? i hope not :)
yawns! tired! didnt had enough sleep this few days. wanted to have a nice sleep just now, but phone rang and woke me up. siannns! tomorrow having lesson at 9am! gonna wake up for lesson if not MAGDALINE will wack my butt! i dont want let her wack my shy butt. hahahahahaha! :)) okok! shall stop here alr. :)) update again :)Labels: a new start for me. ♥

super tired~ tomorrow starting lesson at 8am! omg! is so freaking ok! Stupid phamarcology! so early got tutorial. confirm fall asleep. tomorrow end at 4pm somemore!! sians! i want faster reach saturday! because can go out with my 2 crazy girls! :)) happy mannnnnn! super lots of things happened this few days. th only time i could really forget all those things is when i'm having fun & crazy times! but how often will i have these crazy times? one month once? maybe. i want go out have alot alot of fun! but i know, he won't be there with me. because he alr told me he won't alr. & he asked me not to go also. i was thinking, i don't go, you also no time acc me. then i stay at home do what? bored till death? hais.
coughing, coughing & coughing. ): eyes are dry also. ): what a bad weather. sleep early tonight. too tired alr. :))Labels: thanks for forgiving me.
i shouldn't have hope so much. th more i wish for it, th bigger disappointment i will have.
mixed feelings again. why is my mind all about those things? are those things true? i don't know. in fact, i don't know how to differentiate. or should i say, i rather not know? hais.
waiting for his reply. but i don't think he will reply me until he finish his lan. hais. tonight alone, will he acc me chat? i hope so. but i scare he will be tired/busy. so fast it's going 9pm alr. maybe baby will be finishing soon, cause he told me that he will be buying old chang kee for his dad.
my cough is getting worst. kept coughing & coughing at night. lucky got baby beside me. pour water for me :) mm, chat until fall asleep. haha. during the night, baby is hugging me, on and off. haha! i like him to hug me to sleep when i'm sick. it made me feel secure. *hugs* :)
Labels: ♥ him alot. hugs :)

Everything is different now. I lost one more friend. A friend that I used to treasure alot, like my secondary school friends. Returning changes because of one thing. But is not your fault. Really! Even if I didn't went out yesterday, when I going out some other says later, it will still be missing. So is not your fault really. Is me who is blur that made the card go missing, not you. I didn't blame you or anything. You are a good friend that listens to me when I'm down. You will console me. It's really not your fault. I don't wish this to happen again :( that really hurts. If you see this, I want to tell you something. I'm sorry. I really dont know he will do that to you. Sorry. I apologize to you. Sorry. Will we be friends again? I hope. Really hope.
Hais. Lost in th jungle. Will everything goes back to normal? I don't know. I hope so. This few days is like so unlucky to me. Hais. Slept over at baby house after he played lan. And now, it's raining outside. So cold. :( lucky got blanket. Feel like pouring all th water out. :(
Labels: Will everything goes back to normal?

Hais. Can't find my Ez-link card again. :( hope that tomorrow I wake up, it will be at somewhere that I could see. Ez-link card, my darling. Where are you? Come back to me please. I miss you alot alot. You are like my oxygen, I can't live without you. Come back to me please. I beg you. Don't just leave me alone like that please. *cried*
So boredddddddddddddddd. Will soneone kill my boredom for me? Waiting for that lazy pig, LARRY YEO JUN BOON to reply me!!!

came back from a super tiring day. i thought when i came back, i would see something that will make me smile or happy. but it didn't happened. everything is not there anymore. everything starts to change. or maybe, i should change too. change into a girl, that doesn't care/bother. a girl that will make herself feels happy for her own sake. a girl that will try her very best to make herself smile no matter what happen. because this girl knows, there's always some people behind her, giving her support, their care & concern. and these people is whom, she will never forget in her life. her lao da; eric, da ge ge; max, good friend; elaine & sister; yy. she will never forget how they console her, helped her, trying to make her smile no matter how. thanks people! i will remember what happened yesterday night truly in my heart. really a big big thankyou to you guys! ♥
i was quite happy just now in the evening. but after i heard something, my mood just changed super quickly. maybe is because, i cant adpat to the changes? i dont know. the same old thing comes to me again. am i thinking too much? i dont know. i hope i'm not. but what if it's the truth? i think i will choose, not to face it. because, usually the truth is super hurting. i dont want to cry anymore. really had enough. all my tears is running soon. i know that one day, when i'm really sad but there's no tears rolling down my eyes, is the day that my heart is really numb. and by then, i wont believe in anything alr. not a single one.
Labels: what a tiring day. ):

I really hate this feeling. Fully, 100%! Hate this walking home alone at night. Without anyone acc-ing, msg with, I really feel super afraid when I'm walking home myself. Th darkness, those cats & people keep staring at me while walking. I don't know how to say. I really feel like being angry with him, but I don't know why, I just can't. But he just don't understand. I don't want to quarrel. So I could only keep myself quiet. *cry*
can anyone console me? please? ):
Hais. School's starting tomorrow. 2 words to describe. super sian. buying lecture notes tomorrow. bring a big big bag over. so i no need to carry it book around. sian. nothing to blog about. shall stop here then since got nothing to talk about. hais. cried again. you wont reply me. you wont.Labels: hais. sian.

Fcuk! I give up alr. Seriously, no matter what i do, she won't be happy. Th family won't be happy. Since you all won't be happy, then I think I no need to bother about what you all say alr loh. Cause you all also won't be happy about what I do, then I won't bother about what you all say loh. & I just want you to acc me only, can't you just let me for just one time? But I know you won't. Even how unhappy I am, how much I wanted to cry, you also won't bother mah.
Went to yy's house for mahjong in th afternoon with baby. Super fun! Haha! Th same thing goes again. Lost money to baby. But, he say no need. So I didn't pay him. Was quite fun. :) Hope to have another session again. Because only by playing & shopping, I will forget about all those fcuking things and problems. I don't want these fcukin problems anymore. But, it's impossible for me to change alone. Because one person change won't make any changes.
Is it so difficult to make me laugh? I don't know. But I think so. Cause, no one will please me or make me laugh now. You will only see me cry from now on, because I'm hurt. Super hurt. No one will know how hurt I am. No one! That one sentence, really hurt me. I stopped eating. I threw th food away. I think no matter how much chocolate I eat now also no use alr. Because chocolates won't heal me from now on. Or maybe nothing will heal me. Labels: nothing will heal me from now on :(

yawns. tired. haha. meet yy for lunch at around 2 plus. went to 302 to eat. after lunch, we went to lot one for some window shopping. lot one shopping mall is just simply BORING! haha! then we went to those seats outside mac to chit chat while waiting for baby to reach. we chatted about, me & baby, her & zj. haha. kept laughing & laughing when i told her about me & baby. haha! super funny! because at that time, some people are just disturbing me! haha. irritating. haha! after baby came, we went to subway to eat cookies and baby eat his dinner. chit chat there also. then we went to walk around. after awhile, we went home cause there's nothing to do at cck. haha! i went to baby house, yy went home. chit chat at baby's house, but after that baby went to sleep cause he wasn't feeling well. no choice, so i used is laptop loh. he woke up at around 8.30pm. then he watch his anime awhile, then we went to had our dinner. i bought mac home, baby bought fried noodles back. haha.
chatted with baby on msn just now & he's playing blackshot now. i'm watching hk show now. haha. but i think awhile more, i'm going to bed. cause tomorrow we're going to yy's house for mahjong in th afternoon. but i need to reach home by 7pm. i tomorrow morning need to morning call baby at 6.30am. he can't wake up for school. he was late for school today. woke up at 10.30 today while his school starts at 11. so he took cab to school. i dont want him to be lae alr. so i tell him, i will morning call him at 6.30. haha! he's used to my morning call alr. before my holidays, when i'm still having school, i used to call him to wake up. now, i'm still having my holidays, he can't wake up for school. haha! this means that, he can't live without me! :) hehe!
i think i will miss him when he go for ns. :( one week only can see him for 2 days. when he book out on friday evening, & need to book in on sunday evening. hence, only left 2 days for me :( sad sad. baby wants me to be independent now. he's afraid that i will rely on him too much when he's in ns. & i'm afraid that i will. so i promised him, if he smoke less, i will learn how to be independent! and i really will :)) i really promised. Labels: i promised, i swear ♥

haha! meeting yy for lunch soon :)) so bored staying at home. specially is when i'm alone. facing 4 walls & th tv! haha! okok! i gtg! yy left house alr. blog later :))Labels: lunchhh

haha! just reached from a tired & AWESOME day :)) haha. woke up at 11 plus, took a shower then went down to Bugis meet baby for th interview. actually we said to meet at 12.30 for lunch before going for th interview, both of us are LATE! haha. reached there at around 12.45. so we went to buy some snacks to fill our stomach first while waiting for serene to tell us where to look for her. th interview lasted for around 2 hours at iluma! ohmygodddd! so freaking long!!! th job is just COMPLICATED to explain & understand. so baby & I is planning not to go for th training tomorrow. haha! we didn't reply th person in-charge & pick his call up! haha! we are like so bad right? haha! hai hao only lehh. haha.
after th interview, we went to Bugis junction's arcade to play spot th difference. haha. cause baby left one token, so we used that up loh. th spot difference was super cool. they have scrolling, and mirror image! super cool right? th mirror image one is super difficult to find mannnn! haha! after th game, baby treat me eat ice-cream!!! haha! yum yum! bought chewy juniors! baby treat me too! :)) then we headed down to yy's house for mahjong at around 3 plus. fall asleep in th bus. took lrt to fajar when we reached pending station. baby bought nasi lemak for ah bao, then we went up her house. haha!
started to play mahjong. ohmygoddd! th whole session is just awesome & full of laughter! baby super bad! bully me & yy! i lose $125 to him loh! luckily we are just playing th chips money, not real money. if not i think i dont know my pocket th hole will be how big alr! haha! noelle came at around 9 plus & helped yy bought mac for dinner & drink for us. thanks noelle! :)) took cab home with baby at around 10.30.
super tired! my neck is aching! i think is because very long never blog for so longggggg alr. eyes getting dry cause i'm wearing my contact lens since th moment i woke up. haha! about 12 hours alr! haha! ohmygod! my stomach.......is growling. shit! i'm hungry! haha! nvrm, it's tibits time! haha. wanted to chat with baby abit longer, so i will eat some tibits first :)) Labels: :)) awesome day

haha! finally went out for shopping today!!! haha! with yy. & of course, thanks to noelle! :) helped me with my shopping. bought 2 jumper & 1 belt. haha. my old one can throw away alr. haha. leet with no money! haha! luckily, i'm taking my allowance daily. not monthly, haha. if not, i dont think i will have money for the following month alr. haha.
tired. maybe falling asleep soon. still got interview tomorrow. like so sian? dont feel like working for that job, but baby say just give it a try loh. so i meeting him 11.30am at Bugis for lunch then go for th interview. sian. i think i will be sleeping soon. cause really tired. :(

haha! i just found out something super interesting! :))
i had 16 people including me, having our birthday in July! haha!
most of them are my buddies! :))
here are the people :))
July 3- Zhixian (baby's brother)
July 5- Yingying (nyp mate)
July 6- Reagan (baby's brother)
July 8- Yingying; yy (good friend)
July 9- Kassandra (pre-ems)
July 12- Edna (good friend)
July 14- Weekeat (twps & unity mate)
July 15- Jennifer (nyp mate)
July 17- Vanessa (cousin)
July 21- WanZhen (unity mate)
July 22- ME! ME!
July 23- Elaine; choo (pre-ems)
July 25- Siewhow (nyp mate)
July 29- Kingngee (good friend cum buddy)
July 30- Shimin (baby's 8 years friend), Uncle Soon.
hahaha! so many right? haha. shocked! :))
yawns! tired! haha. went to play mahjong at yy's house yesterday with baby, zhijie, jack at night. around 12 plus then shimin & zhixian came to look for us. played mahjong until 3am, then went to blk 103 to eat breadfast with baby, zhixian, jack. shimin took cab home when she reach 103. ate fried beehoon, then went to take cab back to baby's house with jack. zhixian acc us to wait for cab, then he went home. once i reached baby's house, i went to sleep. then baby went to put all his clothes into the washing machine. he bully me loh! woke me up to acc him to wait for his clothes to be washed in the washing machine and hang them. haha! the moment, he went out to hang his clothes, my eyes lids goes 'pop'. haha! eyes closed, mind closed, soul flied to lala land! haha! slept until this morning 12 plus then i wake up. cause baby going reagan's house overnight, as they going for ns checkup tomorrow morning. they need to reach the place by 8.30am. so they decided to take cab over from reagan house to the place. i think after that he will be going home to sleep bah. dont think he have enough sleep this few days. & he's starting school on tuesday alr. & he will start to work next week. i next week also starting school le! so fast! there goes my holiday :( haha!
yawns again! waiting for baby to reply me msg. hais. waiting makes me impatient! haha! but nevermind bah. at least he will have fun when he's with his friends. & smile really happily when he's with his friends. that's what i wanted to see. i just want him to be happy :)) ♥
Labels: ♥

Hais. It's just a waste of my time to do all those fcuking shit. I shouldn't be happy at all. Because no one appreciate those shit I do. No one! From the start to the end, no one appreciate. Just none. I am just wasting my fcuking tmne, energy, sleep to do all those fcuking shit. Maybe I really should be can't be bothered alr. Cause everything is just waste of my time.
yippee! done with my re-test! :)
sibeh happy! haha!
ok, i know i am getting abit not that 淑女now.
haha! sorry lahh. haha! too happy alr.
lookin forward to 5 days later ♥
hehe! meeting baby later.
fetching him for work later at 6pm.
haha! i feel so tired now.
maybe going for a nap later.
going out at 5pm.
hope got traffic jam!
then i no need to wait for him for so long. haha!
Labels: ♥ you
tomorrow is my test alr.
hope i could remember every single thing.
but, i'm really very scare i will mind blank.
i'm planning to see the SAQs first, then write down what i remember.
MCQs still got options to choose.
2 hours, can slowly do.
wish me good luck. :))
Labels: hope you know i'm waiting

i'm so freaking ass bored!!!
cant go out, nothing to do at home facing those walls.
watch tv also sian, cause no show.
all my show also finished alr.
tomorrow's test alao finished studying.
really nothing else left for me to do.
feel like going out for a walk.
to relax myself for now.
relax my mind, hands. everything.
& get ready to write all i remember on the paper tomorrow.
but i cant. hais. i know everything is for my own good, but i really feel like going out. hais. why cant you understand? :(( *cry*
didn't had any night is sleeping well this few days.
kept on waking up in the middle of th night & cant get back to sleep.
hais. really dont know what's going on.
can someone help me?
i felt so lost.
Labels: bored.

really super tired~
tired of this & that.
can't be bothered alr.
too tired to bother.
haha! went to Singapore Flyer with Winnie & co. to celebrate her birthday. $10 for students & th promotion ends just nice on her birthday. Did alot of stupid things on the flyer! haha. Cause the whole cabin is ours. No outsiders. Haha! So we are crazy in th cabin. uploading the videos now. Th size is too big alr, so it is uploading super slow. Uploaded th photos yesterday on facebook alr. After th flyer, we went to Bugis for steamboat. Saw my cousin there. Ate steamboat from 6pm to 9plus? I think so. I can't remember clearly. went to drink Koi at iluma. While walking there, shared 2 scoop of waffle cup ice-cream with baby. Slack awhile at iluma, then went to arcade to play fishing until 11.30pm. Quek & Beng took train back while we to took cab back, waiting for cab until 11.55pm, then got cab. Sent Elaine back first, then me, Winnie & baby went back home. Winnie went home, I go back change my heels to flats, then me & baby walked to Lot find ZhiXian & ShiMin. ShiMin is flying off that morning itself to HK, will be back on Monday. Slacked till 2plus, then took cab home. Got changed & went to bed. really very tired.
a day that i dont wish to remember a single thing. a night that i really hate. sorry, my girl. a night that i really felt like walking off strongly & never turn back.
bored~ sian~ nothing to do. studied for retest. hope can pass. ok, shall stop here alr. cant be bothered.
Labels: cant be bothered anymore.